Feb 19, 2024 | Craig | 976 views
Registration Update
Our registration officially closes on February 29 at 11:59 pm. We may still except registrations after this time if there are spaces available in different age groups. However, there may be a late registration fee of $20 for House League and $40 for the Travel League.
House League Update
We have limited spots available in both U4 and U6.
We have a fair amount of space available in U8.
Travel Teams
We currently have enough registered players for the following teams;
U9 Boys - 1 full team working on a 2nd U9 Girls - 1 spot for 1 full team
U11 Boys - 1 full team working on a 2nd U11 Girls - enough for 2 teams
U14 Boys - 1 full team working on a 2nd U14 Girls - 1 full team working on a 2nd
All of our U16 - U18 teams need more players to make teams