Registration Update, News (Clinton Minor Soccer)

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Feb 19, 2024 | Craig | 976 views
Registration Update
Our registration officially closes on February 29 at 11:59 pm.  We may still except registrations after this time if there are spaces available in different age groups.  However, there may be a late registration fee of $20 for House League and $40 for the Travel League. 

House League Update

We have limited spots available in both U4 and U6.

We have a fair amount of space available in U8.

Travel Teams

We currently have enough registered players for the following teams;

U9 Boys - 1 full team working on a 2nd U9 Girls - 1 spot for 1 full team
U11 Boys - 1 full team working on a 2nd U11 Girls - enough for 2 teams
U14 Boys - 1 full team working on a 2nd  U14 Girls - 1 full team working on a 2nd 

All of our U16 - U18 teams need more players to make teams

Tim Hortons
When making friends is the goal, everyone wins. With over 250,000 kids playing Timbits Soccer every season, Tim Hortons Restaurant Owners are proudly helping communities come together across Canada one game at a time.